Done With Worrying About How to Get More Clients

and Fill Your Classes & Sessions?

Had Enough of Spending Hours Posting on Social Media, Yet Still Not Getting Enough New Clients Coming Through?

Maybe I'ts Time to Try Something Different ?!

'7 Ways to Fill Your Classes & Sessions'

Online Course 

Just £297 (Lifetime Access)

Why you’re just not getting enough new clients?!

After spending years studying and implementing different marketing strategies, what I quickly learned is … it doesn’t matter how great you are at what you do, you'll struggle to fill your classes and sessions if...

You don’t get your messaging right, you put all your eggs in the social media basket and rely heavily on referrals to grow your business.

Where most Fit Pros think you can just put a few posts on social media about what you do, or they can simply rely on word-of-mouth referrals – what they’re missing is the CRUCIAL step that comes before anything else:

You must have a clear and compelling marketing message that stands out.

Without the right messaging AND then the right strategy, you’re going to struggle to get new clients

7 Ways to Fill Your Classes & Sessions

An online course that shows you how to create a compelling marketing message and use 7 different marketing strategies so you can get more clients.

Don’t worry, just because you’ll be shown 7 different ways, doesn’t mean you’re going to use them all at once.  You’ll also be shown how to pinpoint which of the 7 are going to be best for you to start with. 

As you’ll have ongoing access to this course, you’ll be able to come back to the training at any point, to try different strategies IF you need to.  

PLUS you'll get access to a bonus module teaching you how to do both nurture and sales email campaigns. Never under estimate the power of email marketing.

Here's what you get access to…

Module 1 - Creating Your Marketing Message 

How to create your marketing wording so your message is clear, stands out and attracts the types of clients you want to work with. 

Module 2 - Lumpy Mail  

Different ways to use lumpy mail to entice old clients back, upsell something new and attract new clients in. 

Module 3 - Flyers & Posters 

How to use flyers and posters in the right way, including how to lay them out, the wording to use AND where to them for maximum effect. 

Module 4 – Referrals & Resident Expert 

How to generate more client referrals, how to build referral partnerships & collaborations and how to become a resident expert to attract more ready to buy clients. 

Module 5 – Media Ads

How to use different types of media ads and get the most out of them.  Including, local paper, magazines, local radio and online banner ads. 

Module 6 – Networking 

How to make the most out of networking groups, both offline and online.  Not only is networking a great way to attract new clients, it can also build referral partnerships too.

Bonus Module – Email Marketing

Growing your email list is an essential part of growing your small business.  This module shows you how to create both nurture and sales email campaigns. 

Examples & Templates

Over 20 time saving examples and templates to follow, including referral invites, lumpy mail examples, email campaigns, flyers , posters and media adverts.

Hey, I’m Nichola Curran, your Coach

Here’s a few facts about me and why I am qualified to help you with this course…

I’ve been studying and implementing different marketing strategies for the past 11 years.

I’ve grown 6 and 7 figure businesses largely as a result of testing and tweaking different marketing strategies. 

I’ve worked in the fitness industry for over 30 years, coached and mentored 100’s of Health & Fitness Business Owners, helping them to get more clients and grow their businesses.

Got questions about the '7 Ways to Fill Your Classes & Sessions'

Online Course?

1. When does the course start?

It starts as soon as you log in. Just work your way through the training videos or choose the modules that apply to your business the most first. You need to start with Module 1 Creating Your Marketing Message as this will give you the foundation for everything else.

2. How long will I have access to the course?

Once you sign up, you have ongoing access to the course. You will be able to dip in and out of it as often as you like and for as long as you like. It’s yours to keep.


3. Will this offer be available again?

Whilst the course will always be available, this fee of £297 may increase in the future.

4. Can I work with you instead?

Yes of course you can. If you want more personal support from me you can either join the next Master Your Marketing Group Program. Plus if you sign up to this online course and then wish to uplevel to Master Your Marketing, I will simply deduct the amount you have paid so far from the program fee.


There is the option to become a one-to-one client on my Business Growth Coaching Program, however I only take a limited number of clients for one-to-one coaching. The investment starts at £2,795 for 6 months.


‘7 Ways to Fill Your Classes & Sessions' Online Course

For those who are done worrying about how to get more clients and fill their classes & sessions.

Let me teach you how to create your marketing message so it stands out along with

7 different marketing strategies to help you attract more clients and grow your business.

A One Time Investment Offer of £297

What you get:

✅ Step-by-step how-to training videos showing you how to create your marketing message, plus 7 different marketing strategies to help you get more clients and grow your business.

✅ Over 20 time saving marketing examples (including flyers, adverts, lumpy mail letters, referral invites, email campaigns) and templates so you don't waste time trying to figure out what to write in your marketing or how it should look.

Lifetime Access