Want to Attract New Clients into Your
Fitness, Health, or Wellness Business?

Grab Your FREE Copy of  ‘6 Ways to Power Up Your Marketing’

What’s the big deal about this Free Guide? 

Whether you deliver classes or 1-1 sessions, online or offline, hire halls or have your own studio or clinic,

been in business for years or just starting out...

‘6 Ways to Power Up Your Marketing’ is going to help your marketing stand out more and therefore

attract more potential clients to you.

Here’s a taster of what these 6 Power Ups are all about…

  • 1: Your One Liner – It’s how you describe what you do in a way that grabs people’s attention.  It can be used in your bio, on your website, on social media, in fact in all your marketing. 

  • 2: How to Leverage Facebook – How to optimise your personal profile and business page so you stand out and it's clear how you help people.

  • 3: Call to Action Bio’s – Wherever you can put a bio (Facebook Profile, Business Page, Instagram, LinkedIn etc) you want to make sure you have a clear and specific call to action!

  • 4: Build Your Email List – Examples of ways to build your email list.  This is such an important part of growing your business and should be an absolute marketing priority!


  • 5: Avatar Interviews – How to use Avatar Interviews to identify the right wording to use in your marketing. PLUS showcase you, your business and how you help people.

  • 6: Add a Bit of Sparkle – Why giving your programs, memberships, services (or whatever you offer) a new name or putting a different slant on it can help to attract new clients.

This download is not just about having a read and then not taking any action. 

It’s broken down into simple steps for each of the ‘Power Ups’ (that’s a Nichola-ism not a technical term by the way) so PLEASE be sure to act on what I’m suggesting too.

Here’s a Few Facts About Me & Why I’m Giving This Guide Away for FREE

Hi, I’m Nichola Curran, Creator and Director of The Health & Fitness Business Club and The Health & Fitness Business Academy.  

I’ve worked in the Health & Fitness industry in various roles for over 30 years.  I am passionate about the industry, and I know what works and what doesn’t.  

I’ve been studying and implementing different marketing strategies for the past 11 years.  As a result of testing and tweaking such strategies, not only have I built my own businesses, but I’ve also coached and mentored 100’s of Health & Fitness Business Owners, to do the same. 

I see too many talented people leave the industry for financial reasons and I just want to help them get more clients, grow their business, so they can keep doing what they love.

© Copyright The Health and Fitness Business Club 2024